
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Just an update

Dear Mama,

Hi. How are you, Mama? It's been a while, I know. I really don't want to bother you as much, because you should be really resting now. But you know how I often I would like to reach out to you. If only I can you pull you back here, Mama. Especially now that the kids are all grown up and all finished with their schooling. We can take care of you better now, Mama. 

I'm sorry. I know it's all too late now. 

I just would like to update you, Mama. I know you have been watching us, but I still want to tell you like how I used to tell you everything then.

Angel already has a job now, Mama. Unfortunately, it's not related to her course, but she took it and she said so that she will already earn. Anyway, she can always look for another job that will enable her to use what she learned in college, which is IT. Although, I really doubt that, Mama. It looks like she is enjoying her job and she isn't really keen in looking for another job right now.

Ralph is still in Ortigas, while Edgar is still working in the hospital. It's quite a challenge now to have them all together during weekends. Usually Edgar have work on weekends, sometimes Ralph have trainings, and Angel sometimes have an event in their company. We still do find time to go out together, Mama. We just can't do it as often as we used to.

Sometimes, I still wish you were still with us, Mama. Especially now. You would have been very proud and happy. The kids would have been very happy. I would have been very happy!

I'm sorry, Mama. I just can't help it.

I should end my letter right now, Mama. Lest, I might get carried away again.

I miss you, Mama.

I love you.
