
Friday, July 12, 2024

Not again

Dear Mama,

    Remember I told you in a previous letter that Angel was supposed to be starting on her new job this week? It was supposed to be today, actually. Guess what, Mama? She wasn't called. Today was supposed to be her orientation but nobody was calling her. When she called to confirm, they said they would not push through in hiring her, and never even gave any reason. They already asked her to submit pre-employment requirements, Mama. Why are they doing this to us?

    If feels like I'm going back to the gutter, Mama. I don't want to go there anymore. Everything seems to be falling apart. I feel like a total failure, Mama.

    Help me, Mama. Hold my hands.



Thursday, July 4, 2024

New year

Dear Mama,

    I know it's just the second half of the year, but it's a new year for me because of 2 things. First, the Toastmaster year has ended last 30th of June, and also my term as Area Director. July 1st is the start of the new Toastmaster year. In my work, it is also a new year because Australia follows fiscal year that ends in June 30. So, we are also in a new year at work, and quite busy at the end of year works.

    There is also a 3rd reason, Mama. Angel will be starting a new job this month. She was supposed to start on Friday but it was moved to next Friday. Anyway, it's just a week delay, Mama. Hopefully, she'll stay longer in this new job of her.

    Well, that's all I really wanted to say, Mama. Aside from those things, there are really nothing new. I still have the anxieties every time evening comes because I am not sure if it will be a peaceful night for us here at home.

    Ralph and Edgar are still in their same company. Everything's okay for them, Mama. Well, I mean everything's not always okay, but speaking generally, it is. You know what I mean, Mama.

    That will be all for now, Mama. Until my next letter.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
