
Monday, June 29, 2020

Do you think they're ready?

Dear Mama

I just want to give you some update. Ralph still has no work, although the company that was supposed to hire him already called and said they're just waiting for the request to be signed, the latest of which will be July 1. That will be tomorrow. I hope it's true and Ralph will start soon.

Edgar is already reporting daily to work now, it seems everything's normal to them except that they really are not doing anything much now according to him. I'm not sure if he likes his current job. He has complaints, but he also is looking forward to getting bigger responsibilities because he thinks those above him are not really doing their job. Angel is still at home. She cannot go out yet because of the lockdown. So, she's just staying home.

Do you think the kids are ready, Mama? Will they be able to manage on their own if suddenly I am gone? Sorry, I know I'm being selfish again. It's just that I'm too tired of all these anxieties inside me, Mama. I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

I'm sorry, Mama. Let's forget what I said.

Please pray for our children.

I miss you, Mama.

I love you.
