
Sunday, December 4, 2022

Update on my song entry

Dear Mama,

    Yesterday, I was able to compose the chorus of my song for the songwriting contest. The deadline will be on the 31st of December, Mama. I need to finish it early so I can have it fixed by the digital engineers so it would at least sound decent. I'm not sure though how much will be the cost, or how long it will take, so I need to finish it fast. 

    The problem is, I am stuck at the chorus now. I cannot compose the melody for the verses. I've been trying since yesterday, but I cannot work out anything. It's difficult for me because I am not really musically talented. I hope I can finish it this week.

    There seems to be a lot of people at the grill house beside us now, Mama. There's no loud music, to be fair, although there were occasional shouting, or cheering, from the customers. But that's not really my concern now. Another problem with this business is that their customers are sometimes parking in front of our house. There's really nothing we can do about it because it's a public road, and we cannot tell them not to park. But because they are parking, our dogs are disturbed and they keep barking. Edgar also does not want them parking in front of our house. If only we can go away from here and move to somewhere more peaceful, Mama.

    Anyway, that will be my update for now, Mama. I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
