Dear Mama,
I just want to update you on what has happened so far. Ralph has completed his 7 days antibiotics and he also has not gotten any fever. Thank you for taking care of him, Mama. He is still coughing, though. I hope he will be cured from this, too. He is already at work now, Mama. He left earlier before 8 p.m. (it's already 9:18 p.m. now).
I haven't done anything much from my plans, Mama. So far, all I've been doing are doodles, and I'm not even good at it!
Edgar is fine now. Angel is also fine, although she has been getting fever every now and then, which she would just sleep off.
I guess that will all for now, Mama. Nothing much happening, really.
I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.
I love you.