Dear Mama
I'm sorry for not writing for a while. I was meaning to write within the week but I did not know what to say or where to start.
Anyway, Ralph is finished with his antibiotic and he's okay so far. No more fever, Mama, although as I've mentioned, he is still coughing.
Last Friday, I filed a leave from work and we went to Manila to visit the wake of my cousin, Bimbo. I was with Nanay and my siblings, Mama, together with Ate Let who arrived last Monday evening. Yesterday, we had dinner at the maternal house in Sta. Teresita. It was only Ralph, Edgar, and I who went there, Mama. Angel did not go with us. Ate Let will be here until Nanay's birthday on the 2nd of March. Koya Boy will also be going home for the celebration. Nanay will be 95 years old on her birthday, Mama.
On Friday, February 14 will be the 17th year you will be celebrating your birthday in heaven, Mama. We still miss you. I still miss you, Mama. I still wish it did not happen, but I knew it was the best for you - to get the rest you deserved. But I still wish it did not happen.
Anyway, I'll have to stop now, Mama. Otherwise, this letter might turn dramatic again. I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.
I love you.