Dear Mama,
The children and I went to Tarlac today, or specifically Capas, Tarlac. We rented a van, as requested by Ralph. We left the house at past 7 a.m. and we reached our destination at 8 a.m. We went there to check the house that Ralph is buying, Mama. Yes, Mama. Ralph is finally getting a house. I'm not sure if this is the 2nd or 3rd attempt already.
The property is quite small, Mama. I don't think we will fit in there, especially with the things that we have accumulated. But at least, Ralph will have a property in his name. I know how great that feels. I don't know what his plans are - if he'll be living in there, or he'll ask us to live there with him, or he'll have it rented. Because it crossed his mind earlier, which I think is a good option. Anyway, the house is not yet finished, there is still a lot of work to be done, and Ralph still has to get his housing loan approved.
After checking the house, we had our breakfast at the nearest Jollibee there, upon the suggestion of Angel because she is trying to complete the toys from their kiddie meal. After we had our breakfast, we went to visit the Monasterio De Tarlac, because we have so many time left. The van we rented was supposed to be used for 12 hours.
We reached the Monasterio at 10 a.m., Mama and the mass was just starting. Although we did not attend the mass completely. We just visited, and said short prayers. Afterwards, we looked around to see what was there, and also took some photos. We left at past 11 a.m., Mama.
We reached Clark at 1 p.m., and we had our lunch at Aling Lucing. Although, Angel did not eat because she was not feeling well. Afterwards, we went home already. We were not able to fully use to van, because we have nowhere to go, and Angel needed to get home to rest. Also, I don't want Ralph to spend so much. Angel felt better when we reached home, but she needed to rest.
I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I just want to tell about the house Ralph was buying. I hope you're proud of him. Wish you can see him today.
I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.
I love you.