
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dear Mama,

We just finished our Christmas party. It was fun, Mama. The kids readily participated with all the games and even the intermission numbers. Although we played almost all the same games, it was still fun Mama. We had a good laugh once again. I wish you were here with us. 

The kids are now playing the game cards that Ralph received. I am just saving the pictures from the party and would be sleeping in a while. Tomorrow will be a busy day again. It just sad though that Ralph had to leave tomorrow. He is really dedicated to his job, Mama. Although if you heard his message earlier at the start of the party, he would do something to change some things if he can. I guess he is already getting tired after all. I am sure he can cope.

Well, that will be all for now Mama. I just want to tell you that the Christmas party was fun... and we miss you, Mama.

I love you.
