
Friday, June 5, 2015

Dear Mama,

Angel and I just got home. We went out today after I arrived home from work. It was just me and her because Edgar will be out overnight today, so I decided to take her out since it's Friday. I took her to a Japanese restaurant, Mama. She was very happy. I was happy too, as I watched her enjoying the food that we were eating. We were very full, Mama because I think the servings of the food was good enough for 3 or 4 persons, but we were able to eat all of it, anyway. After eating, we walked for a while around SM and then we went home.

Times like this are rare now, Mama. I do not take out the kids often anymore. I am just glad I was able to do it now. I wish I could have that time alone with Edgar and Ralph soon.

That will be all for now, Mama. I miss going out with you, too. I wish we could do it again too. Take care of yourself, Mama.

I love you.
