
Thursday, April 9, 2020


Dear Mama,

The quarantine has been extended until end of the month. It is just fine with Angel and I, but I am worried about Ralph, Mama. Because it means he will be alone longer in his dorm, without much resources. Lately, he's been calling often. I guess because he is really anxious of getting trapped there. He also has been feeling lots of pain lately. Last Sunday he had a terrible headache, which got me concerned because he was crying in pain over the phone. This week, his gout has been punishing him more often. Help me, Mama. Please take care of Ralph while he is alone there. There's nothing I can do for him. I feel so useless and helpless, Mama. 

Edgar said he is scheduled to return home on the 14th. That will be next  week, Mama. There will be a delivery of parts to them, and he said he will go back with delivery team when they return. I hope that will be true and I that he won't have any problem going inside Angeles and Marisol.

Angel is fine, Mama. She's been doing more cooking lately, and helping me with the dishes during weekdays. She was supposed to apply for a job, unfortunately she was caught by this lockdown. 

I am trying to keep myself together, Mama. This pandemic has blown my anxiety sky high, but I'm trying to ignore it. I hope I can hold on longer, Mama.

I need to hold your hand and hug you, Mama. I miss you. I wish you're here with me now. 

I love you. 
