
Thursday, December 24, 2020

It's Christmas eve

 Dear Mama,

It's already 24th of December, Christmas Eve. As I've mentioned in my last letter, I have prepared anything, and we won't be having the annual Christmas party. I'm sorry, Mama. We will be having our Noche Buena still, although it is Edgar who will be cooking our food. He is actually working in the kitchen right now, Mama.

We still don't have plans for tomorrow. Not sure if we will be going out, or just stay at home. As you know, Mama, it's not yet safe to go out. In case we will be going out, we will take all necessary precautions.

The year is almost over, and nobody knows if 2021 will be a better year. I am not excited nor looking forward to it, Mama. I am tired. Sometimes I often ask myself if the kids are all ready to be left on their own.

I'm sorry, Mama. I apologize for feeling like this again. Anyway, I'll just end my letter before I write more dramas. Merry Christmas, Mama!

I miss you.

I love you, Mama.
