
Friday, February 21, 2025

Angel at AUFMC

Dear Mama,

     Angel and I are at the AUFMC ER now. It's 12:42 a.m.

     She was having difficulty breathing again, Mama. I took her here at around 12 midnight. She is on oxygen support right now, Mama. She's conscious, but she's catching her breath when she talks.

     I'm sorry, Mama.


Latest update on Edgar and the Angel scare

Dear Mama,

    Ralph just left for work. He is on his way to their shuttle now, Mama. He took a GrabTrike on the way to the terminal where their shuttle vehicle is waiting. I just finished washing the dishes.

    Just an update on Edgar, Mama. He went to the clinic this afternoon for a check up. They said his air passage was a bit congested that's why he has difficulty breathing. He was prescribed with antibiotic and an inhaler, Mama. A puff inhaler which was a bit expensive. He said it was P400+. He is a bit better now, Mama. Although he said he will start his antibiotics tomorrow.

    I just received a message from Ralph that he is already in their shuttle vehicle. Thank God he's not running late today. He has never been late, so far. But there were a lot times he only made it 3 to 5 minutes before time. 

    Angel scared me today, Mama. I thought I would take her to the hospital. This afternoon, she sent me a message that she has fever and we won't be able to attend the art workshop we should be attending tomorrow. I said okay, and advised her to take medicine and rest. When I arrived home from work at past 3 p.m., she looked fine, although she was hungry. I went out again to buy her siopao and Coke from Alfa Mart. While we were eating, Edgar arrived from the clinic. Then I proceeded in doing the laundry, Mama.

    When I went back inside after doing the laundry, Edgar told me Angel was having difficulty breathing. When I saw her, she was indeed grasping for air, Mama. I got scared and became worried. Angel has no PhilHealth nor health insurance. But I asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital, and she said no. All the while she was catching her breathe, Mama. We told her to use the nebulizer, hoping it would help her. 

    As the solution was almost consumed, she was still not improving, Mama. I went out to the generic drugstore here to buy some more solution. Thank God, they were selling them over-the-counter and without prescriptions, otherwise, I would have really panicked, Mama.

    Then I asked them if I could also buy a puff inhaler over-the-counter, and they said yes. I took this home to Angel, Mama. Thank God, it worked she was able to eat well because we immediately had our dinner. I was even kidding her that she has already recovered because she was talking a lot during dinner, Mama.

    I know we're not out of the woods, yet. I hope Edgar and Angel get completely well.

   I'm sorry, Mama. All my letters lately are about our kids getting sick. Sorry, I was not able to take good care them.

    Forgive me, Mama.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Update on Edgar

Dear Mama,

    I am already at the office now. I just want to give you update on Edgar, Mama.

    Yesterday, when I came home in the afternoon he was a bit better. He said he has some difficulty breathing, Mama. Last night, he used the nebulizer to ease up his breathing concerns. He also borrowed the breathing aid of Ralph, Mama.

    Earlier, he prepared for work but he told me to go ahead as he was not ready when I was already done. So, I went ahead of him. I just messaged him now asking how he is, he said he went back home and took the day off, instead. I guess he still is not feeling well, Mama. Please help him feel better.

    I'm sorry, Mama.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Edgar's turn

Dear Mama,

    Edgar did not work today. He has fever, Mama. Last night he was having asthma attack. I am at work now, Mama. He said he'll be fine, but he was still lying down when I left this morning.

    Ralph will be running on some of his papers today. He just came from work, so he won't be sleeping today until he finish his errands, Mama.

    I hope Angel will be able to take care of Edgar. 

    I'm sorry our son has to be sick again, Mama. Please help me. Make Edgar well, Mama.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Nanay's 95th birthday

Dear Mama,

    Ralph just left for work a while ago. He did not take his dinner anymore, he'll just eat at the office probably. We had our dinner already, Mama. Edgar is washing the dishes, and Angel will be feeding the cats in a while.

    Next month, we will be celebrating Nanay's 95th birthday, Mama. Ate Let is already here, she arrived first week of February. Koya Boy, I think, will arrive on March 1st. Nanay's birthday will be on the 2nd. First, we will be having lunch with our cousins from Manila, and some friends of Nanay. Then there will be another celebration in the evening with other friends and relatives, Mama.

    Of course, after Nanay's birthday, the next occasion will be Edgar's birthday, Mama. We still have not discussed it, though. So, there are no plans yet. I still don't know what gift to buy for him, Mama. If you have any suggestions, please help me.

    I wish you could join us on all these celebrations, Mama. I miss you.

    I love you, Mama.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Post-Valentine dinner

Dear Mama,

    The kids and I went out today for our post-Valentine dinner. Of course, it was Ralph's treat, Mama.

    We were supposed to go to the new restaurant in Friendship, Mama. Unfortunately, it was not found in the Grab app. We tried looking for another place to pin near the restaurant, but Ralph was not able to find any. We opted to search for other restaurants in Friendship, but there so many we cannot decide. And it was hard to book a Grab car, Mama.

    We settled for a new place in Angeles proper. Still, Ralph had a difficult time booking a ride. After more than 30 minutes, he was finally able to get one. When we reached our drop-off place, we noticed the Pancake House had only few people. So, we had our dinner there instead of our original plan, which a new place near.

    After dinner, we went to Stabucks which is just beside the Pancake House, Mama. We stayed there probably for 30 to 50 minutes. Then, we went home. That's how we spent the post-Valentine, Mama. Wish you were with us.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day 2025

Dear Mama,

    It's Valentine's Day. It's the 17th year since the day you left us. I still have not gotten over it. Especially now, when our kids are all grown up. I'm sure they would have showered you with flowers and gifts if you were still here, Mama. I'm sorry, Mama.

    I bought a cake for Angel. Something I knew she'd like, Mama. A cute Valentine cake. It has a cute baby bear in the middle of it. She liked it, Mama. We ate it after dinner.

    Ralph is on his way to work now. I'm following his current mobile tracking which he sent. I hope he won't be late. There was quite a heavy traffic jam earlier, Mama. It took him a long time before he was to book his Grab ride. He's almost there, Mama. Looks like he won't be late after all. I hope so.

    We will go grocery shopping tomorrow, Mama. Ralph will meet us at the supermarket. He'll proceed after work, although he'll have to wait for about 2 hours.

    Anyway, I think that will be all for now, Mama.

    I miss you.

    I love you, Mama.


Monday, February 10, 2025

I feel cold

Dear Mama,

Ralph just left for work. We already had our dinner.

I feel cold, Mama. It looks like it's My turn to get sick. I already took paracetamol, Mama.

I wish you were here.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday update

Dear Mama

    I'm sorry for not writing for a while. I was meaning to write within the week but I did not know what to say or where to start.

    Anyway, Ralph is finished with his antibiotic and he's okay so far. No more fever, Mama, although as I've mentioned, he is still coughing. 

    Last Friday, I filed a leave from work and we went to Manila to visit the wake of my cousin, Bimbo. I was with Nanay and my siblings, Mama, together with Ate Let who arrived last Monday evening. Yesterday, we had dinner at the maternal house in Sta. Teresita. It was only Ralph, Edgar, and I who went there, Mama. Angel did not go with us. Ate Let will be here until Nanay's birthday on the 2nd of March. Koya Boy will also be going home for the celebration. Nanay will be 95 years old on her birthday, Mama.

    On Friday, February 14 will be the 17th year you will be celebrating your birthday in heaven, Mama. We still miss you. I still miss you, Mama. I still wish it did not happen, but I knew it was the best for you - to get the rest you deserved. But I still wish it did not happen.

    Anyway, I'll have to stop now, Mama. Otherwise, this letter might turn dramatic again. I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.

    I love you.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Life so far

Dear Mama,

    I just want to update you on what has happened so far. Ralph has completed his 7 days antibiotics and he also has not gotten any fever. Thank you for taking care of him, Mama. He is still coughing, though. I hope he will be cured from this, too. He is already at work now, Mama. He left earlier before 8 p.m. (it's already 9:18 p.m. now).

    I haven't done anything much from my plans, Mama. So far, all I've been doing are doodles, and I'm not even good at it!

    Edgar is fine now. Angel is also fine, although she has been getting fever every now and then, which she would just sleep off.

    I guess that will all for now, Mama. Nothing much happening, really. 

    I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.

    I love you.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A trip to the ER

Dear Mama,

    This afternoon, I took Ralph to the ER of AUFMC. He asked to be brought to the hospital, Mama because of his lingering fever. I have already started with the laundry when he said he wanted to go to the hospital. So, I stopped what I'm doing and we got ready to go to AUFMC. Edgar booked a Grab car for us. 

    We went to the ER at around 4 p.m., Mama. They took his temperature and BP after he filled up the info sheet. His temperature was 38.+ which was lower than his tempt at home which was 39.+. Probably because he took Bioflu at around 2 p.m., Mama. What surprised me was his temperature was normal!

    Finally, he was looked into by the ER doctor, Mama. The usual routine questions, to determine what was causing Ralph's fever. They ordered some lab tests - CBC, platelets count for possible dengue, urinalysis, and ECG. He was supposed to have stool exam, too but he wasn't able to produce stool samples.

    Then we waited for the results, Mama. Ralph was also administered IV fluids because they felt he was dehydrated. And then we waited some more. At past 7 p.m., the doctors finally came back to us and said Ralph's lab tests are all okay, and he is negative for dengue. He was also not dehydrated. I breathe a sigh of relief, Mama. We were then advised to wait for the discharge instructions before they send us home.

    After 30 minutes, they came back with the discharge instructions. Ralph was prescribed with antibiotics and some medicines, including paracetamol. We then waited for the cashier because they had to coordinate with the HMO provider for Ralph's bill. Good thing it was approved because they said the whole procedure would have cost 10 to 12 thousand pesos, and that's just for the lab tests.

    Anyway, we went home at around 8 p.m. We stayed at the ER for more than 4 hours. But I can't complain, at least Ralph's okay. We also passed by the drugstore so Ralph can buy his medicines, and bought litson manok for our dinner.

    Ralph's already sleeping now, Mama. He feels better. I hope this will continue and he'll be well tomorrow.

    That's all for now, Mama. I just want to update you on Ralph's condition. Please continue guiding us, especially our children. Please pray for my peace.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ralph is sick again

Dear Mama,

    Ralph is sick again. He was not feeling since Friday, Mama. Although he worked last Friday night.

    This morning, he said he might not be able to work tonight. He sent me a photo of his BP which was quite high, Mama. He is also complaining of swollen tonsils. He was taking medicines since last Friday, Mama.

    I'm sorry I was not able to take good care of our children, Mama. Please help me. Help me make Ralph feel better, Mama. We cannot afford another hospitalization for now. It will drain us even further.

    Please make Ralph feel better, Mama.

    If only it were the other way around, I'm sure our children would have been better taken care of.

    I'm sorry, Mama.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

We lost another kitten

Dear Mama,

    This morning, we lost another kitten.

    As Edgar and I were about to leave home for work at around 6 a.m., I saw a dead cat on the street in front of our gate, Mama. It was Kuting, one of the kittens staying in our garage. She was ran over, Mama. I was devastated.

    I don't know what to think. I was not able to take good care of them.

    I'm lost and confused. Why do these things happen to us?


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday nightcap

Dear Mama,

    It's Sunday, 8:30 p.m. I'm about to go to sleep, Mama but I thought I'd write a letter before lying down.

    I just finished doing 2 doodle arts, Mama. They're not bad. Not exactly awesome, but not bad. At least decent enough. If only my hands were not shaking, Mama, I could have done better. And of course, it's not also helping that I already have a poor eyesight.

    Yesterday morning, we had breakfast at Denny's in SM Clark before we went to the supermarket, Mama. Then last night, we went to Starbucks for coffee so Ralph can complete his stickers. Both were Ralph's treat, Mama.

    I think that's just about it, Mama. I really don't have anything much to say. Tomorrow's another manic Monday (remember our theme song then? haha...)

    Until my next letter. I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.

    I love you.


Monday, January 13, 2025

New week

Dear Mama,

    It's Monday. It's the start of a new week.

    We just had our dinner, Mama. Ralph is now getting ready for work. I hope he moves faster. He's a bit slow, Mama. I don't like doing it, but I often nag him to hurry up. Otherwise, he'd be late.

    I'm concern about his coughing, Mama. He is not getting well. He has medicine and breathalyzer. Please make him well, Mama.

    Maybe I'd do some doodle art tonight, Mama. Maybe later, after Ralph has left.

    Please pray for my peace, Mama.

    I love you.


Friday, January 10, 2025


Dear Mama,

    It's another weekend. The second weekend of the year, Mama. Everything's good so far. Everything's quiet, Mama. I mean, everything except my mind. I never lost this anxious feeling inside me, especially when I am at home. I wish I could get rid of this.

    We might go out later, Mama. We'll be going to the mall again to look for Angel's shoes. She was not able to find anything she likes last Thursday. I hope Ralph will be okay later. He's from nightshift, Mama. He's already asleep right now. 

    I really do not have anything much to say, Mama. I just want to talk to you. I wish I can hold your hands and embrace you now. I miss you, Mama.

    Please pray for my peace.

    I love you.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Angel's birthday

Dear Mama,

    It's Angel's birthday tomorrow. We might go out for dinner, Mama. If it will be okay with Ralph. And then we'll be looking for shoes, Mama. I promised her I'll buy her shoes. She finally settled for the shoes as her gift, Mama.

    It will all depend on Ralph. As you know, he is working nightshift, Mama. I hope he'll be able to sleep well tomorrow morning when he arrives home from work. Edgar will be here tomorrow. He filed for a leave. He said he'll be cooking spaghetti for tomorrow's lunch for Angel. I'll be working tomorrow and I'll just meet them at SM Clark.

    I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I wish we're still complete in occasions like this.

    I miss you, Mama. Please pray for my peace.

    I love you.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Back to work

Dear Mama,

    The holiday is finally over and tomorrow, January 6, we will be back to work. I can't say my break was really productive, Mama, but it was a break and I had some time to rest. Of course, except for the times I was battling with my anxieties.

    Next stop will be Angel's birthday, Mama. Our baby will be turning 27. I'm really getting old, Mama. I just wish for her to be healthy and happy. I hope she can find a job she can enjoy, or have a business she can sustain. Which I think she prefers. Please help me guide her, Mama. I am clueless sometimes.

    Praying things will be better for us financially, Mama and hoping my mental health will be better.

    That will be all for now, Mama. Please pray for my peace.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2nd

Dear Mama,

    It's the second day of January of the new year. Edgar is already back at work, Mama. Ralph will also be going back to work tonight. He is sleeping right now, or at least he's trying to. It's 8:47 a.m. right now, Mama. Angel is also sleeping.

    I finished the laundry, cleaned the cat litter boxes, and also took out the trash. Just resting for a while to write this letter. Afterwards I will continue with more chores. I will be back to work on January 6, Mama.

    A week from now, it will be Angel's birthday. I can't believe she's already turning 27, Mama. I hope she'll be better soon. I hope I can help her in dealing with her personal problems, Mama. I'm sorry.

    It's a bit quiet in the neighborhood now. I hope it stays that way, especially tonight. But the grill house beside us will be opening tonight after closing for the holidays, Mama. I hope there won't be any disruptions just like in previous nights.

    Anyway, that will be all for now, Mama. Until my next letter. Please guide our children. And please pray for my peace.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
