
Friday, January 9, 2009

Angel's 11th birthday...

Dear Mama,

Today was just an ordinary day, aside from it being Angel's 11th birthday. The kids went to school, and I was alone at home as usual. Although after school, when the kids are all here, we went out and watched a movie as I have promised Angel.

After the movie, they went at Tom's World where the kids played for a few minutes. I shoot some hoops with Ralph and played table hockey with Edgar. Although most of the times, I was following Angel as she was playing on the different machines.

Then we had our dinner at KFC before we finally went home. That is how we celebrated Angel's birthday Mama. And I even have to run to Tatay in the morning to borrow money so I can take Angel to the movie. She said she enjoyed it.

Perhaps she got tired playing. She fell asleep while we were watching TV at home. Unfortunately I was not able to buy her requested gift which is an eyeglass. I wish I can get her one soon.

That's all I can tell you Mama. The kids are fine. I am fine. Please take care of yourself. I miss you Mama. I love you.
