
Sunday, January 25, 2009

A terrible headache

Dear Mama,

Last Saturday, I had the most terrible headache I felt in my entire life. I was literally crying in pain Mama. I was restless and didn't know what to do. Angel was telling me to take medicine, but I knew biogesic won't help that time, and there are no mefenemic acid available at the sari-sari stores here.

It was just me, Angel and Edgar then. I don't want to send Edgar to the drugstore which is located at the highway to buy mefenemic. Ralph was still in school then.

It was terrible Mama. My nape aches, my sinus seems to be clogged, and any moving things I see then makes me dizzy. When I can't bear the pain anymore, I asked Angel to call at Sta. Teresita and tell Nanay to bring me mefenemic acid.

An hour after I took the medicine, I felt better. But there were still pain, although tolerable.

I don't know what it's all about Mama, maybe it's the eyes or a high BP. But it started after I used the computer for about an hour. Nanay told me to go to the doctor for a check-up.

You know what's funny Mama? I was even calling you then as I was crying in pain. I was really hoping you would come. But of course, we know it's not possible.

That will be all for now Mama. The children are already in school now. Take care of yourself. I love you Mama.

I miss you.
