
Monday, January 28, 2013

Dear Mama,

It's Tuesday and still no good news thus far... you know what I mean. Angel told me last night that they will be having their Unit Exam next week. That means I need to pay again so she would be able to take the test. Unfortunately, until now we don't know if we will be paid. Looks bleak, Mama. I'm just trying to psyche myself up and continue hoping.

My computer is still not fixed. The feedback I got from my technician-friend said I need to replace lots of parts. It feels like buying a new unit altogether. I don't know which one to prioritize. If only I would be receiving what I should be receiving, all of these problems would be fixed. Right now, I see no other recourse, Mama. All I can do is pray, while I'm trying to find some alternatives.

Anyway, I need to work now. Take care of yourself, Mama. Hopefully, I will have some good news next time. I miss you, Mama.

I love you.


P.S. Please visit me in my dreams, Mama.