
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

We visited Kong Berning

Dear Mama,

    Ralph, Edgar, and I visited the wake of Kong Berning last night. Angel was supposed to go with us, but she wasn't feeling well, so she opted to stay at home. From the incomplete stories I gathered, it seems Kong Berning had a heart attack, Mama.

    Ralph and Edgar met their cousins, and also a few of their uncles and aunties, Mama. I was looking for the old folks so I can pay my respect to them, but it seems we are the old folks now. Tang Badong, I was told, passed away already last year. He was the last one from Ima's family. I was not able to ask from the side of Tatang's family.

    I went to the my doctor today, Mama, for my quarterly check up. He said my lab test results are good, and even my BP is normal. He advised me to continue with my maintenance medicines, Mama. He also added Vitamin B complex in my prescriptions.

    Ralph and I will be back at wake on Friday, Mama. I'm not sure if Edgar and Angel will come with us. The interment will be on Sunday.

    I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I miss you.

    I love you, Mama.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ralph's birthday

Dear Mama,

    Yesterday we celebrated Ralph's birthday. He turned 32 yesterday, Mama. We celebrated by watching a stand up comedy show because he likes watching those, Mama. We enjoyed the show, Mama. We were laughing all throughout. There were about 7 or 8 stand up comedians who delivered their skits, all with different style. I was thinking, I could do that, Mama.

    The show lasted until past midnight because they started late, at around 9:30 p.m. We reached home at around 1:00 a.m. already. Then we took his birthday cake from the ref and sang happy birthday for him, Mama. It was already past 2:00 a.m. when we rested. Tiring, but it's okay. Ralph was happy. The children were all happy, Mama.

    We also received news yesterday that Kong Berning passed away, Mama. We were supposed to go to the wake tonight, but when I was telling Ralph to get prepared he said he doesn't feel well. So, I opted for him to get a rest instead. We'll just go tomorrow. Probably he got tired last night because the place was crowded and quite small. He might have gotten some airborne virus that affected him again. I hope he'll be okay. Please pray for him, Mama. Touch him and make him well.

    That's all for now, Mama. Still wishing you were still with us. I'm sure you would have enjoyed the show last night. I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

It must be the weather

Dear Mama,

    For the last few days, it feels like I am going down with a fever or flu, especially every night. I feel cold, I feel weak, and my back aches. I am not sure if these are real or just in my mind, Mama. I've been so down lately. It feels like I almost want to give up. I feel tired, Mama.

    On Saturday, it will be Ralph's birthday. That's just 2 days from now, Mama. Our eldest will be turning 32 already. I am really getting old, Mama. Actually, I feel old. We will be celebrating on Saturday. Unfortunately, I have no money to buy any gift for Ralph, Mama. 

    Lately, it feels like I've been failing again, Mama.

    Where did I go wrong?


Saturday, September 7, 2024


Dear Mama,

We are finally home, Ralph and I. We were discharged this afternoon, or should I say yesterday because it's past 12 midnight now. He is better now, Mama. His BP is going back to normal, although he is still getting occasional 130 and 140.

I hope things get better for us, Mama.

I wish you were here.


P. S. I love you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Back at the hospital

Dear Mama,

     We are back at the hospital. Ralph was admitted again because of fever and infection.

     I'm really sorry, Mama.

     I think I'm losing it.


Monday, September 2, 2024


Dear Mama,

    September is not starting good for us. Although we went out last Sunday, the 1st of September, for coffee and dinner in the hope that it will bring better vibrations for us.

    Last night, however, just the second day of September, Ralph got sick. He has fever, and although he was trying not to show it to me when I left for work this morning, I felt he was weak, Mama.

    I'm not sure if it's the weather or his condition. He was already feeling cold when we left the house last Sunday. And since Sunday evening, it has been raining. Although it wasn't really that strong, it was continuous, Mama. And the wind was also blowing strong.

    He was working when I left home this morning, Mama. He was already in his computer, as he is on remote-work set up. Which was actually a good thing because he can't go out.

    Please make him well, Mama. I'm sorry he got sick again.

    We are already out of money from a lot of expenses on the cats, especially Ralph who spent the most for them. I cannot help him because I am already depleted and I'm just making ends meet through borrowed funds.

    I'm sorry I'm telling you this, Mama. I'll end my letter now.

    I'm sorry for everything, Mama.
