
Monday, September 2, 2024


Dear Mama,

    September is not starting good for us. Although we went out last Sunday, the 1st of September, for coffee and dinner in the hope that it will bring better vibrations for us.

    Last night, however, just the second day of September, Ralph got sick. He has fever, and although he was trying not to show it to me when I left for work this morning, I felt he was weak, Mama.

    I'm not sure if it's the weather or his condition. He was already feeling cold when we left the house last Sunday. And since Sunday evening, it has been raining. Although it wasn't really that strong, it was continuous, Mama. And the wind was also blowing strong.

    He was working when I left home this morning, Mama. He was already in his computer, as he is on remote-work set up. Which was actually a good thing because he can't go out.

    Please make him well, Mama. I'm sorry he got sick again.

    We are already out of money from a lot of expenses on the cats, especially Ralph who spent the most for them. I cannot help him because I am already depleted and I'm just making ends meet through borrowed funds.

    I'm sorry I'm telling you this, Mama. I'll end my letter now.

    I'm sorry for everything, Mama.
