
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

We visited Kong Berning

Dear Mama,

    Ralph, Edgar, and I visited the wake of Kong Berning last night. Angel was supposed to go with us, but she wasn't feeling well, so she opted to stay at home. From the incomplete stories I gathered, it seems Kong Berning had a heart attack, Mama.

    Ralph and Edgar met their cousins, and also a few of their uncles and aunties, Mama. I was looking for the old folks so I can pay my respect to them, but it seems we are the old folks now. Tang Badong, I was told, passed away already last year. He was the last one from Ima's family. I was not able to ask from the side of Tatang's family.

    I went to the my doctor today, Mama, for my quarterly check up. He said my lab test results are good, and even my BP is normal. He advised me to continue with my maintenance medicines, Mama. He also added Vitamin B complex in my prescriptions.

    Ralph and I will be back at wake on Friday, Mama. I'm not sure if Edgar and Angel will come with us. The interment will be on Sunday.

    I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I miss you.

    I love you, Mama.
