
Friday, August 29, 2008

I am shouting again....

Dear Mama,

Lately, I have noticed myself shouting again at the kids more often. I don't know why Mama, but it seems that lately I get irritated easily. Sometimes I even think that they are doing it on purpose just to make me mad. Most of the time it's always Ralph who receive my ire.

I pity the kids Mama, everyday I tell myself that I will never shout at them at again. Still, I am at the top my voice everytime they do something wrong. I don't want this happening Mama.

I don't know if it's the present financial situation, too much in my mind, fatigue, stress or a mixture of everything. I wish I have you here so I can have someone to talk to. I know that won't be possible. I miss you Mama.

Please take care of yourself.

I love you.
