
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Will this ever end?

Dear Mama,

Today is my third day of working from home. If there weren't too much restrictions going outside, I will be feeling better. You know I don't like going out, Mama, but the reasons for all this lock down is what's driving me crazy. Everyday I am always afraid that things will get worse as I wake up in the morning. And so far, my fear is not without basis, Mama. It is actually getting worse.

Right now, it is still just me and Angel here, and with only Chuchi and Fluffy accompanying us. Venz was laid to rest yesterday. Have you met him yet, Mama? He is a sweet dog, with soulful eyes. I'm sure you will love him once you get to meet him.

We're almost running out of food here, Mama. We are just buying from small stores near us. I hope they won't be told to close soon as what they did in other areas. Otherwise, we won't be having anything to eat. They say supermarkets are open, but the lines are long because they only let limited number of people in at a time. I might go out tomorrow to the supermarket. I hope it is still being allowed, Mama.

I'm tired. Just thinking all about it is exhausting me, Mama. What will happen tomorrow?

Ralph is at work, also trapped in their place. He said he will be working from his apartment. They gave him a laptop, but he's not sure if they will be assisting him to go back to his apartment. There are no public transports available.

Edgar is still in Masbate. He said quarantine is being implemented there too. He seems okay. According to him, he's doing fine. I do hope he is, Mama.

I'm barely holding on to my wit. Without anyone to talk to, and there's nothing I can do. I feel weak, Mama.

I wish I was as strong as you were, Mama.

I miss you.

I love you.
