
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Back to work

Dear Mama,

It's 4 a.m., and today we'll be going back to work after our Christmas break. 

The kids and I went to the mall yesterday, Mama. I met them there after meeting some Toastmasters friends at lunch time. We sort of had an extended birthday celebration Angel. 

Ralph will be going back to Pasig on the 23rd, not sure if I had already mentioned that before, so I felt we should be making the most of our time. 

On Angel's birthday last Saturday, we just stayed home. Angel prepared her own cake. We bought materials and ingredients in the morning. Edgar was the one who prepared and cooked our food then. We had a good time although we were just at home. We sang happy birthday for Angel. The food prepared by Edgar were also good

That's all for now, Mama. I will be preparing for work in a while. I miss you, Mama. I wish you were still with us. 

I love you. 
