
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Update on Edgar

 Dear Mama,

    Edgar will be having his operation tomorrow, and he will be admitted today. It's just a minor operation, Mama. He will be having his tonsils removed. It was his decision, after consulting with the doctor for a couple of weeks. He said he is really bothered with his tonsils, and is having problem swallowing food. He wants it done ASAP, while he has a heath card to cover for it.

    Speaking of health card, I will be getting a health card for Angel, too, Mama. As you know, she did not get the job, and so she has no health protection in case something happens. So, I will getting one for her. I have already asked and look for the most affordable but good health insurance provider. I'm just waiting for her to fill up the form.

    Ralph is still on a work-from-home set up. So, he is still staying with us right now. Although, there were surveys in previous week about going back to reporting to the office for work. Eventually, they will be going back to work soon, and he will be leaving again, Mama. He is actually looking for a job here in Angeles City. I hope he finds one.

    As for me, nothing changes, Mama. I'm trying to be positive, but every now and then anxiety keeps on eating me. It's almost getting back to normal here. By normal, I mean it's starting to get loud and noisy again. I really wish there will be more peace and quiet. If only I can live in a secluded farm, where there is peace.

    I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I will update you on Edgar's operation.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
