
Friday, June 21, 2024


Dear Mama,

    It's Saturday, 10 a.m. Edgar is having a webinar in his room right now. It's a CPD accredited webinar that he needs for his professional license renewal. Ralph is out now to meet his friends. He hasn't slept yet because he works on graveyard shift. After his work, he immediately prepared to go out. Angel is still sleeping now, she slept at around 5 a.m.

    I'm looking out the window and it's a bit gloomy. I don't know whether I should get the laundry I washed this morning, Mama. Earlier, there was a heavy rain but it has stopped at around 7 a.m. so I hanged my laundry outside. There's still sun but it's a bit cloudy, Mama. I guess I'll check and maybe get them and just hang them inside after I write my letter.

    I'll be having another gig tonight, Mama. I'll be singing 5 original songs. I hope my voice won't crack. I still don't know where I am getting this guts to allow myself to to perform in front of the crowd. Is there even a sense in what I'm doing? If you were with us now, do you think you'd be proud of what I'm doing, Mama?

    Anyway, I'll be preparing for our lunch in a while, Mama. Because Edgar is having a webinar, he won't be able to cook for our lunch. I was about to go out and buy some lutong ulam, but Edgar said we'll just open a canned tuna and have hard boiled eggs.

    That will be for now, Mama. Until my next letter. 

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
