
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sometimes I don't know

Dear Mama,

    It's Saturday, I been sitting here for almost an hour trying to think of what to write. It's 2:20 p.m., Edgar left to attend a birthday party with his officemates earlier, after we had a lunch. Ralph is sleeping now, as you know he's working night shift. Although he had lunch with us earlier. Angel is just resting right now, she won't be selling fishball and other streetfoods today. They took Saturday and Sunday as their rest day.

    I went to Bataan yesterday after work, Mama. I was with my fellow Toastmasters from Area G3. We attended the open house meeting our club there, the Bataan Toastmasters Club. I gave a talk about impromptu speaking, Mama. It was okay, not as excellent as I expected it to be. But it was okay. Next week I'll be giving another talk in my club, Cabalen San Fernandino Toastmasters Club, and this time it will be about being funny. I still have not prepared yet. I have a rough draft, and it's not organized. I hope I can do it this weekend.

    My fellow Toastmasters are egging me to go with them to Cebu next month, Mama. The kids say I should. But while I admit I wanted to, I am not sure if I can afford it. You know I am depleted financially, Mama and I am barely making ends meet. I could ask from our children, but I don't want to do that, Mama. 

    I don't know anymore, Mama. I hope things get better so petty things like this won't be too hard to decide.

    I wish you were here. I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
