Dear Mama,
Looks like I have another challenge on my plate. I attended the grand assembly of our high school batch alumni tonight, and I was elected as a member of the board of directors in replacement of our batchmate who passed away.
I cannot say that I don't want it Mama, I can't say that I want it either. I want it for the experience and learning it can bring me, but I'm also afraid that I may not be able to deliver. This is no longer child's play, Mama. Our batch will be the host of this year's alumni homecoming. I hope I can contribute to its success.
I miss those days when you were still to help me reassure of my self-worth and my capability. If only you were here, there is someone beside me who believes in me. I am not good at self-hypnosis, Mama. I really hope they didn't make the wrong choice. I hope I won't disappoint them.
We'll see that in the coming days. Take care of yourself, Mama.
I love you.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Another challenge for me, Mama
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Our boy is growing now...
Dear Mama,
Out boy is growing now. Yesterday Ralph confided to me about her problem, and you guessed it Mama, it's about girls. It's not really a problem, just some situation. Although the way I see it, he can handle it quite well. Still I gave him some advice.
If you were only here, he could have a saner words of wisdom. I'm sure you would have loved to hear what he said.
Anyway Mama, that's all the news I can tell you now. It's 12:50 a.m., I guess I better sleep now. I hope I can dream of you Mama. I miss you.
Take care of yoursel, Mama. I love you.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Good morning
Dear Mama,
Good morning. It's 5:00 a.m. here Mama. I'm drinking my coffee and I'll be waking up Angel soon. It's getting colder here Mama.
I wish I could be with you.
I miss you Mama.
I love you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hurry up, Mama! Please
Dear Mama,
I really don't know how to put it without sounding so distressed. But I really wish I could be with you now, Mama. I hope you can hurry up. Please, Mama?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ralph's not yet home
Dear Mama,
It's already 10:17 pm and Ralph's not yet home Mama. He is not texting. I hope he's just fine.
I'm not well Mama, I don't know why. I don't understand myself lately.
Anyway, take care of yourself Mama. I miss you.
I love you.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ralph brought home Krispy Kreme
Dear Mama,
Looks like Ralph enjoyed his field trip. He also brought home Krispy Kreme doughnuts for us, and I can see that he was proud and happy that he did. Edgar, Angel and I ate them all in one sitting, of course I had to make coffee for myself to take with the coffee, Mama.
Ralph told me about their trip, they went to PSE, to BSP and even Greenhills and the Mall of Asia. He said, one of his friends even got lost.
What's funny Mama, is that he was weary before because Ate Det will be the one watching them in their bus. She is their teacher in one of their subjects Mama, and his classmates know that she is her auntie.
But it turn out, it is to his advantage as he always asked food from her.
I really could say he enjoyed the trip Mama, he was very happy and he was all smile as he was telling his experiences for the day. Wished you could have seen him.
That will be all for now Mama. Please take care of yourself. I miss you Mama.
I love you.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ralph's field trip
Dear Mama,
On Thursday, Ralph will be going on a field trip. I think they will be going to the Central Bank, it's part of their studies, I guess. Take care of him while he's on the trip Mama.
Angel and Edgar just had their periodical exams. As usual, they both said their tests were okay. I do hope so, Mama.
Next month, the balloon fiesta will be held again in Clark. Remember when we went there the first time it was held, Mama? Ralph was still very small then. We weren't able to go to any balloon fiesta anymore, after that. I hope I can bring the kids there this time, Mama.
The only problem is that, it will be Ralph's midterm exam, so he might not be able to join us. It will also coincide with your second anniversary, Mama... Valentine's day. That's why I'm having second thoughts.
I'm still not well. I don't understand what it is I'm going through. How I wish I can talk to you Mama. I miss you.
Take care of yourself Mama.
I love you.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
What's taking you so long?
Dear Mama,
I'm sorry. I'm not complaining, but I hope I could get to see you soon. Yes Mama, I'm taking care of the kids. There are just sometimes that I wish that I could be with you... and I really hope it's soon.
Sorry for this letter, Mama.
I miss you.
I love you.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Angel is 12 today
Dear Mama,
Our little baby is growing up fast. She turns 12 today Mama, of course you know that. Our baby is now a little lady Mama. Needless to say, she's growing up to be a beautiful lady. Good thing she takes from her Mama.
I really don't have big plans for today Mama, just a little treat for her and the boys at mall, and then buy her gift. Although there will be an event that we will be attending in the afternoon where my blogger friends agreed to co-celebrate her birthday with my friend's despedida. Still not sure of our schedule yet.
But I want to thank you Mama, for leaving a very nice memory, which is Angel. I'm glad we have her. And thank you too for helping me take care of her. I know you do, Mama. Thanks.
I will be preparing for work in a while. Take care of yourself Mama. I miss you... I really do.
I love you Mama.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Feeling stressed now
Dear Mama,
I've been getting more stressed lately from work. I don't know if it's because of the forthcoming deadlines or the fact that I missed blogging and being free with my schedule. It always seem harder to get up in the morning lately, Mama. I need to force myself to get up and prepare breakfast and get ready for work.
I know this should not be the case Mama, I know I should persevere. You know I'm doing my best Mama. I do hope I can catch up with those deadlines and that I can cope up with my new routine... for the sake of the kids.
Tonight, I asked the kids to take a walk with me outside. I needed to relax. I'm glad the air did make me feel better. I texted Ralph and he later joined us, he came from school Mama. We had a good meal at a fastfood. Somehow I felt better. But tomorrow's another day, I hope it turns out better and more productive.
That will be all for now Mama. Please do take care of yourself. I really miss you Mama.
I love you.
P.S. I could use a hug now, Mama.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I was finally able to visit you
Dear Mama,
Finally, I was able to visit you again this afternoon. I'm really sorry Mama if I weren't visiting you as often as I used to. I'm still having a hard time adjusting to my schedule. But I'm really glad I was able to do it today.
It really felt good being there with you Mama, just being there and feeling you... talking to you. It was so peaceful Mama. Thank you for listening to me, it's really hard when you have no one to talk to.
I would have loved to stay longer Mama, I wish I can be with you forever. If it weren't for the kids, I would have stayed longer. I really miss you Mama. I wish I can embrace you again.
That will be all for the meantime Mama. Hope I can visit you soon. I miss you.
Take care of yourself Mama.
I love you.
Friday, January 1, 2010
A terrible back pain
Dear Mama,
This afternoon, I had a very terrible back pain. I started feeling it while we were on our way from Parañaque and Novaliches Mama. I tried to sleep it through. But when I woke up at 8 p.m., the pain was worse.
I was almost crying in pain Mama, literally calling for you. I wish you were here Mama. The pain is still here, as I am typing this letter to you Mama. It's terrible. I don't know what to think. Does not feel like it's just muscular or tension, it's at the lower back Mama. I'm afraid what is causing it.
I wish you were here. It's painful Mama.
Please help me Mama.