
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ralph's field trip

Dear Mama,

On Thursday, Ralph will be going on a field trip. I think they will be going to the Central Bank, it's part of their studies, I guess. Take care of him while he's on the trip Mama.

Angel and Edgar just had their periodical exams. As usual, they both said their tests were okay. I do hope so, Mama.

Next month, the balloon fiesta will be held again in Clark. Remember when we went there the first time it was held, Mama? Ralph was still very small then. We weren't able to go to any balloon fiesta anymore, after that. I hope I can bring the kids there this time, Mama.

The only problem is that, it will be Ralph's midterm exam, so he might not be able to join us. It will also coincide with your second anniversary, Mama... Valentine's day. That's why I'm having second thoughts.

I'm still not well. I don't understand what it is I'm going through. How I wish I can talk to you Mama. I miss you.

Take care of yourself Mama.

I love you.
