
Sunday, August 18, 2024

I won, but...

Dear Mama,

As I've said in my previous letter, I joined the Tagalog speech contest yesterday. I joined all 4 categories, and I got a place in all of them, Mama.

I got 3rd place in Table Topics, 2nd Place in Evaluation and Humorous Speech, and I was the champion in the International Speech category, Mama.

I was hoping you'd be proud of me, Mama... but Ralph got admitted in the hospital today due to difficulty in breathing. We are in the hospital now, and I'm writing my letter here.

We went to PRI Medical Center in Pampang, instead of AUFMC which is nearer to us. Ralph thought it would be better here, because in our previous experiences in AUFMC, they were always full.

I thought they'll just administer oxygen and medicines to normalize his breathing, Mama. But he has pleghm showing in his x-ray and he also has a high BP.  So, he is under monitor now. They are trying to clear the pleghm and also maintain his BP. 

I'm afraid they might prescribed him to take maintenance for BP after this.

I'm sorry, Mama. I failed you again.
