
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy birthday, Mama!

Dear Mama,

I’m writing this letter in advance so I can send it to you tonight at midnight. It’s your birthday, Mama. Happy birthday! Every time your special day comes, we miss you all the more. How I wish we can still celebrate you birthday with you, Mama. But I’m sure you are joining us even if we cannot see you, Mama. We can still feel you’ll love… like you never left us. I just wish we can hug you.

I still do not know how we are going to celebrate your birthday, Mama. Like what I’ve said before, we might not celebrate it exactly on your birthday because I can’t be absent from work and the boys won’t be home until 9 p.m. So, we will be celebrating it tomorrow, Mama. I do hope that’s okay with you.

I’m still not sure whether I’ll cook or we’ll just go out. I cannot make plans because I still do not know how much we can spend. Not sure if I’m going to get some extra money. But whether or not I receive extra money, we’re going to celebrate your birthday, Mama. No matter how simple the celebration may be.

Anyway, I’ve said a lot. I forgot, I will send you today the song I wrote for you. I’m sure you have already heard me practicing it, I hope you like what I did. Although I wrote the song for you, it seems like the message is in my favor because I am asking you to send me smiles to help me cope with what I am going through.

I wrote the song when I was sick and feeling so low, and I was looking for you then. How I wished I can see you smile… hold your hands and embrace you. Perhaps I would have felt better right there and then. But I know that is asking too much. I just have to be contended with the thought you are always here with us.

Damn! I almost cried. But I can’t. I’m in the office right now. My officemates might think I’m crazy.

I’m talking too much, Mama.  I’ll just let you listen to the song I wrote for you… it’s called “Smile for Me.”

I hope you like it, Mama. Happy birthday!

I love you, Mama. I miss you.


P.S. Please send me smiles, Mama.