Dear Mama,
I'm going to get my booster shot on Monday, February 14. It is the schedule that is allotted for our barangay. All three kids had theirs, although from different sources, not our city. And after I get my booster, if it's not as heavy as they said it will be, I will go La Pieta. It's your anniversary in heaven again, Mama. It's been 14 years since heaven earned another angel.
I do understand you really belong there, Mama. You were only lent to us to help us see the good things here on Earth. Thank you for all the love you gave us, Mama.
Angel still hasn't been called yet by her company. She's wondering if she will still be called. She doesn't want to apply to other companies, yet. I just let her be, Mama. It's not her fault. Ralph's covid episode has affected all of us, but hers was the worst effect.
Things are starting to get back to normal, Mama. I mean the abnormal normal. It's starting to get noisy again here in the neighborhood, although still not as loud as it used to be before, which caused me to have hypertension and anxiety disorder. Still it has been affecting me, because of my trauma from the previous owners, I am easily triggered by the slightest noise.
Anyway, that will be all for now, Mama. I can't wait until I get home with you.
I miss you, Mama.
I love you.