Dear Mama,
We were able to celebrate Angel's birthday yesterday. We ate at an unli-steak restaurant just within our neighborhood, Mama. We were only able to eat 2 steaks each, which were thin mind you. But we also ate other food like chicken, fries, and spaghetti. It was Ralph's treat for Angel, Mama.
Now, I don't know what happened but there seem to be some tension inside the house. I think we really need to move from here, Mama. There's been too much negative energy that perhaps we have accumulated through the years. Probably, because of me.
Ralph is still not here, but he's on the way home, Mama. He reported at their office today. He'll be working until Friday, and Monday next week he'll be starting in his new company. It was fortunate that the new work came right in time, Mama. I hope he will grow there. I wish all our children will grow in their career and profession this year, Mama. So that they can prepare for the future.
I guess that will be all for now, Mama. I miss you.
I love you, Mama.