
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Angel is active in school

Dear Mama,

Just want to tell you that Angel is very much active in school today. She joined the Young Writer's Club, and today she said they are going to write an article regarding Global Warming. She is also an assistant leader in their P.E. subject. I'm just so happy for her. She also says her teacher like her writing style very much. I guess, writing runs in her blood.

Speaking of writing, last week Edgar took a qualifying exam in his school newspaper. I was surprised because we don't know him to be that much expressive as far as words are concern. But he took the exam, and that alone makes me proud of him. I hope he qualifies and be part of the newspaper.

Ralph on the other hand is still on his old ways in his studies. Not much effort, yet not too lenient. I would say though that he has improved this year. He better be, he is in college now.

So far, the kids are fine Mama. Studies and health are okay. How I wish you can see them now. They would be much better if only you were here.

I guess I should end this letter now before I go on that note again. Please take of yourself Mama. I miss you.

I love you.
