
Friday, May 24, 2024

Hong Kong trip :(

Dear Mama,

    My officemates are planning to go to Hong Kong this December. It will be a sort of Christmas party for us, Mama. You know how it is in the office, instead of having a party, since we're only few they opt to travel instead. This time, they are planning to go to Hong Kong.

    I know I'm duty bound to join because it's a sort of company activity. But it's too expensive, Mama. Our company will only shoulder our plane fare and accommodation. Everything we will spend there will be on us! Like food, travelling from one location to another, and other incidental expenses! I can't afford that, Mama!

    I have no savings. In fact I am almost financially depleted! I don't want to ask Ralph or Edgar for any subsidy because that would be unfair to them. How can I tell my officemates I can't go with them, Mama?

    Please help me!
