
Saturday, May 18, 2024

The fish ball business, so far

Dear Mama,

    The fishball and kikiam business of Angel and Edgar is over 2 weeks old now. It's tiring, Mama. They got a spot near the main gate of Marisol, and I have to assist Angel everyday. She cannot bring the cart at the site by herself. She tried on the first day, but the cart fell down on her way because she cannot balance the weight. So, I helped her everyday. This affected my schedules. Good thing I am almost done with my Toastmasters duties. 

    Angel is enjoying the experience. Last night we had good sales, but not tonight, though. I guess that's really how business goes. I hope they're learning from all these experiences.

    I feel tired, though. Exhausted. Probably because I'm just not used to the activities.

    Anyway, that's all for now, Mama. Looking forward to be with you soon.

    I miss you, Mama.

    I love you.
