
Saturday, May 25, 2024

We got rained on

Dear Mama,

    Angel and I went to sell fish ball and other street foods yesterday. It was only the 2 of us because Ralph and Edgar went to Manila to attend the birthday of Dang Itang together with Nanay and their cousins and aunties in Sta. Teresita.

    It wasn't bad, even though there was a miscommunication with one customer who said she'll buy "10" which to our understanding was "10 sticks". She even added and said, "20 na po." So, Angel cooked 20 sticks of fish balls (200 pcs because there's 10 pcs per stick), only to say at the end that they were referring to pieces of fish balls and not stick. So, we ended up with so many cooked fish balls because they did not take them.

    And at around 7:30 p.m., the rain fell so, we had to pack up and go home. Good thing the 2 boys were already home by then and Edgar helped us.

    It wasn't such a bad sale, except for the rain and the fish balls which were not bought.

    I guess, Angel is learning from all this experiences, Mama.

    That will be all for now, Mama. Just sharing the experience we had last night.

    I miss you, Mama.

     I love you.
