
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ralph got through me again Mama

Dear Mama,

Ralph got through me again. I scolded him again this morning Mama. He came home late last night when he was supposed to come home early. We waited for him so we can all have dinner together. I even cooked the soup late so that it will still be hot when he comes home... but he didn't come home early Mama, that's why I was furious.

I tried to text him to at least know what he's up to, but he never replied. Why is he like that Mama? How can I teach him to be considerate of others? Angel and Edgar were already hungry but I told them to wait for Ralph.

Did I raise him wrongly Mama? Am I not a good father to him? Please help me Mama, I really don't want arguing with him anymore. I know he's a good boy but he's too easy to influence. He easily follows everything that his classmate tells him, and it seems he's not even thinking.

What should I do Mama? I tried talking to him about this already, I don't know what to do. How I wish you were here Mama... how I wish.
