
Friday, September 14, 2012

Home after celebrating Ralph's birthday

Dear Mama,

Just came home after eating out with the kids to celebrate Ralph's 20th birthday. We just ate at the steak house here in Marisol. Ralph wanted to try the Japanese restaurant in Balibago, but it was raining so I opted that we eat somewhere near instead. After all, in our 4 years stay here in Marisol, we haven't tried that place yet.

It was okay. It wasn't that expensive and the kids had their fill of steak, which we rarely do. If I am not mistaken, it was actually their first time. After eating, instead of dessert at the restaurant, we just went to a nearby store after eating. We bought ice cream and took it home to eat, Mama. I believe that was better and more practical.

Anyway, the kids will be resting now, and I will be too in a while. I wasn't a big celebration Mama, but at least we were able to spend time together.

Guess that will be all for now, Mama. Take care of yourself. I miss you, Mama.

I love you.
