Dear Mama,
How are you? I hope you're doing fine, Mama. Me? I am not. I'm running out of time and I'm running out of luck. It looks like my prayers are not reaching their destinations, Mama. And pretty soon, everything will just collapse.
It's the finals, Mama. We still haven't received our salaries and incentives. I don't think it will ever be given. They only make us hope. They do not have any intentions of giving them to us. I'm doomed. The kids are doomed. But they don't understand it. They never would. All they think about is themselves.
Ralph's deadline for the review school is March 15. He needs to pay for his review class before that date. Needless to say, I still have to pay for his tuition fees. He is graduating this March. Of course, the tuition fees of Edgar and Angel too.
What am I doing? Why am I bothering you with these worries? You can't do anything. You should be at rest. I need to face all these problems myself.